In front the current situation of shortage of raw materials, and the added problem of the delays for the imports from China, POOLBIKING reaffirms itself in the manufacturing in Barcelona, as well as, in its capacity to have always the equipment in stock.

Our trajectory and expertise manufacturing all the POOLBIKING aquatic equipment gives us the necessary solvency to extend the warranty to four years for the structure and stainless steel parts for all the range.

Machines carried out under the system PERFECT GEOMETRY get an optimal biomechanical regardless the height of the person. Its design is based on a map of movement ‘points for 6 different heights of users: 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90 and 2.00 meters, obtaining the perfect bike. The incline of the seat, handlebars and pedalier match up with the standard sizes in a conventional bike. In this way, not only eliminate we unnecessary regulation systems, but we avoid that the customer adjusts this fittings in a wrong way, causing an inadequate posture with risk of injures.

The water fitness revolution, on a single machine we joined CORE work, cardio and strengthening leg muscles. POOLBIKING CORE exercise affects directly to the posture working, the lumbar support, the balance and corrects bad posture produced by daily activities.

Anyone, regardless of its physical condition. Especially recommended for weight loss, physical therapy, arthritis, aquatic fitness, the elderly, treatment of varicose veins, cellulite reduction, rheumatic diseases, general fitness and muscle recovery of athletes.

The current lifestyle has changed the functionality of the entire motor system. POOLBIKING CORE is an excellent tool to unlearn wrong habits, cardiovascular work and compensation in order to counteract the tendency to muscle imbalance due to everyday life. The calorie consumption is greater than 800 cal / h. The water weightlessness helps us to develop postural endurance without feeling the body weight.